Thursday, March 12, 2009

It Turns Me On When He Texts Me That Way!

Sadly, I have to admit to myself that I have been spending entirely too much time surfing the net to fulfill a pornographic desire. I qualify this as too much time because the trade-offs have been studying, and working . . . two areas of which the consequences of success are far longer lasting than those obtained by sexual gratification. May I continually remind myself that an erection does not constitute personal growth!

Since I have spent countless moments that I will surely pay for in various dollar amounts, and other costly commodities, I have become quite an expert in some of these sexual markets. For example, the most prized goods in this internet warehouse of lusty desires seem to be the men between ages of 22 and 26, who are well hung, height and weight proportionate, have absolutely no boundaries, and are willing to bare all without telling all. The costs include an enormous amount of time and energy one will spend for this beauty to become available--probably beyond the expiration date on the label and after the warranty has expired (because he's been around the block a time or ten). Another is a depletion of self worth because the rash doesn't go away and a state of desperation has now settled to stay. Probably one of the most expensive is the sacrifice of viable opportunities that are available as one holds out. Add a computer into the mix and these trends are recurrent.

So was it the internet that turned me into a social idiot, or is it that I'm a social idiot and I must use the internet to gain a social life? I'll not suppose an answer to that in either direction at this time. It's sufficient enough for me to say that I spend far too much time on the internet "pretend sexing", and not enough time feeding my brain!

1 comment:

My Talking Monkey said...

I had this argument with a "surfing addict": which came first, the idiot or the internet? Especially considering that there are so many people online sabotaging their maturation rate. He said, "the internet and computer is making us stupid" and I said, "no, that segment of the population has always been amongst us, but the internet allows us just one more avenue to flood!" As you have always said, and to quote a man I deeply respect: "stool culture" is, what it is, regardless of the environment or medium!