Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today's lessons--Contemporary Psych and Med Ethics Gone Wrong

I learned about the tenants of Humanistic, Existential, and Cognitive Psychology. I watched the second half of a documentary on the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.


Anthony Warren said...

This doesn't settle well, especially when we try to seperate ourselves from Nazi's. At who's expense are we learning all this from? I'd say if they're so willing to experiment without consent, then the least they could do is educate their families in the medical field and in economics AND construction, seeings how they're getting fucked anyways, might as well have a life they can call their own and share repectively with whom they love.

Monkey Toes International Portal to Chaos said...

Thank you for your comment, Anthony!

I think we've only politically attempted to separate ourselves from the Nazis. The Aristocracy and minor Aristocracy still utilize Eugenics and Social Darwinism as accepted heuristics while they obtain and wield positions of influence and power. Entitlement still remains a dominant cancerous cluster of social involvement.

Sadly, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study is only one exposed study. How many folks who are being treated for HIV are involved in studies they have absolutely no idea they are a part of, and how much will that study influence the care they receive?

To be fair, Medicine is not a definitive science, and is considered a "practice" for that very reason. In the US, we tend to have extremely high expectations that our doctors perform Godlike miracles, which seems to have a tendency to contribute to the doctor's arrogant "God Complex".