Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Today's lessons--Abnormal Psych and MDD

I was late for class today, but I caught the majority of the lecture for Abnormal Psych. We covered Schizotypal, Schizoidal, Narcissistic, Histrionic, and Borderline Personality Disorders. We compared and contrasted some of them, and covered the basic tenants of each.

For Philosophy of Psych, we covered phenomenology and biological factors of what used to be referred to as Manic/Depressive Disorder. We briefly talked about some of the creative qualities to depressive personalities. Next meeting, we will cover some of the meanings behind the phenomenon.

On a personal note, I was able to catch up with an acquiescence I had not seen since Thanksgiving break. We talked about our time off, and assignments we were supposed to work on, but didn't. I also spent some time apologizing for a lambasting that I had performed earlier in the week with another acquaintance via Facebook. I was out of line, and am finding the taste of crow a little bitter, but filling. Last night, I was told that one of my classmates is taking over a portion of paper that I was responsible for because I had not finished it myself. It was a turbulent morning.

Later on this afternoon, I'm meeting a guy I have been talking to online, for coffee.

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