Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm studying Forensic Psychology in school. The last week, we have covered violent crimes and sexual offenses. I find it interesting as I am reading these studies that many are trying to define criminal behavior without taking into consideration the social and cultural influences that become part of a definition of "crime". Many of these theorists are arrogant in assuming that their discipline of criminology, along with a seemingly never ending search for generalizations that "get to the root" of criminal behavior, are solid and sufficient when their theories never take into consideration many of the fucked up expectations of generalized societal constructs for their members to be "good citizens". I do believe that the United States Criminal Justice systems do get a lot more correct than not, but to use those systems as a templates to gauge human psychological behavior scientifically is beyond me. What is criminal today? What was criminal 50 years ago? What will be criminal 20 years from now? (For a hint: think Bush)

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